As QuakeCon came to an end, Memento Mori took the opportunity to sit down with rapha, cl0ck and ZeRo4 to talk about all the drama surrounding their team leading up to the event.

  • February: DaHanG's offer
  • March: The br1ck Attempt
  • April: sparks and the stream Donations
  • May: whaz and BREAK's Poaching
  • June: viju, Stermy, Carnage and psygib

About Preparations:
ZeRo4: So, what we talked about so far happened between March and April. Let's just call March-br1ck and April-sparks... May was the month of Gaven (whaz). And we went from a team that was ok in CTF and TDM, to a team that was fully committed, and fully executing, 100%. And we were taking a dominant role in North America. As a team we were excelling. We had Shane, who obviously is the best dueler in the world. Obviously, US has a history with TDM where for the past 15 years we just aren't able to keep up with the Europeans, but we accepted that, we said "Look, we need to get as good as we can get at TDM. CTF, I think we can excel greatly, and we were proving that within our own community."
About Team BREAK:
rapha: With what BREAK did to us, how arrogant it is to say to people that you have been friends with and then do this, and then expect them to still practice with you?

The full interview can be found on ESReality.