The Greatest 1v1 ArenaFPS Players Ever
I did a far-too-long writeup of the greatest 1v1 ArenaFPS players of all time, including my own custom Elo ratings, analysis of historical data, etc. I've my own top 10 but would love to hear everyone else's
QL - Evil grown over both rapha and Cypher at the end. He is the best QL player.
Q3 - I'd give it to Cooller as at very young age he has played a very mature mind games based style and he got sick LG too. Not necessarily in terms of raw damage but the way he used it. He also managed to win the biggest tournament as a teenage russian boy on american land. It's really a tie with him and Zero4 (later on he was Raphas mentor too).
Q4 - It is for toxjq he has legendary aim and Q4 fit it perfectly. Also he was the first player to go seriously pro (read about how he lived like an athlete during Q4).
UT - this game died off early and their best players failed to perform in Quake, but on money lists they have earned their place.
For fast mechanical games such as PK and CPMA Vo0 is the undisputed king. If you have any question about this you have zero idea about FPS.
Fatal1ity is a douche and a complete joke, cannot be taken seriously since early 2000. He was purposely avoiding pro matches when he got his brand deal as well as his sponsors organizing invitational tournament that he'd surely won is just one the many things why he shouldn't even be on this list. He had some flashes in PK though.
QW and Q2 was very early days of pro-gaming it's hard to compare their best as they already reached an age that it might wasn't lucrative enough for them when Q3 came out or just was not on par with skill anymore - If I'd have to take a guess I'd say the latter.
QC is an insult to any duel player and no one ever would play it if it wasn't for the monies, but props to Raisy and Clawzzz reaching top level in spite their young age. Clawzz performed exceptionally when it have mattered the most under very heavy money pressure (almost a million dollar for a belorussian imagine...), he has a lot of talent.
So yeah overall nice work but doesn't makes sense at all and seems you don't have much idea what are you was trying to explain.