
As a part of their new internal tools the updates have been coming out thick, and fast, and as expected Reflex developers Turbo Pixel Studios released their latest update (0.42) for the early access game.

  • Vastly improved sky system.
  • New official CTF map: Skytemples by PromEUs.
  • Increased sun intensity and updated bloom thresholds.
  • Fixed crash bug caused by delaying registration of LUA widgets (was occurring with kovhud + dp2hud).
  • Fixed issue where local angles were sent during map change even though they were supposed to be zerod.
  • SMAA is now correctly performed in gamma space (meaning it actually does something now).
  • Added a bunch of new Ancient Japan themed meshes, all of which can be seen in the new Skytemples map.
  • Made pickup holograms slightly more saturated.
  • You will want to update your maps with new sky settings.
  • Any liquids in your maps will need their colors updated.
  • Any glowing materials you used may need tweaking.

Links: icon_rflx Offical Announcement