Quake Week Summary July 23-29
Disclaimer: This is a pilot edition of weekly Quake news post, there is no assurance that these pieces are going to be released on regular basis. The idea is to summarize of major and minor Quake news, announcing tournaments and events for upcoming week, etc.
- PGL Esports announced details about their upcoming Quake Champions tournament. The tournament will run between October 5-7, 2018 in Bucharest, Romania. Duelists from all the world are going to compete for 50,000 USD. Registration for this LAN tournament is already open.
- On July 27, 2018 the Quake Champions developers revealed their planned changes and updates to the game via the official Quake Champions stream. The summary of stream could be read here, but here are the most important things to note:
- Bot AI is going to be heavily improved and it will be possible to host custom games with "Nightmare" (hard) bots.
- Daily rewards and loot boxes are going to be reworked.
- Confirmed new game modes: Slipgate (mostly reminds a mix of Clan Arena and Attack & Defend game modes), Capture the Flag, and Arcade Mode (which will be a comprehensive list of game settings hosts can adjusts). The work-in-progress footage could be viewed here:
Capture the Flag,
- The official Quake Champions Stats site is now having a heatmaps, which will show the most popular places of deaths, kills for every map, based on data collected from online matches.
- The ESL Go4QC Monthly Finals didn't present a big surprises as tox and clawz won the European Finals, while rapha and DaHanG took the first place in the North American Finals.
- Short summary of the other noticeable tournaments:
- QC Community Tournament Open 2v2 EU #11: Besides the regular participants, k1llsen and av3k decided to play in this cup after a long hiatus. They were able to challenge Xron and Silencep but in the end Myztro CIS players managed to win the cup.
- QC Community Tournament Open 2v2 NA #11: Team Liquid is still dominating the North American scene, with the biggest intrigue of the weekly cups boiled down to: who will take the second place? This time it was cha1n and whaz made it were able to snap up the second position.
- QC Community Tournament Open Duel EU #11: bukster took the first online victory of his Quake Champions career as he managed to beat baSe, prox1mo and RAISY on his way to a winner's spot.
- GameTribe Quake Champions 2v2 EU #2: Sadly this cup did not feature many of the best teams in the European scene, however, that did mean a new winner could be crowned. After the dust settled, RAISY and Spart1e were able to take this one home.
- QC Community Tournament Open 2v2 EU #11: Besides the regular participants, k1llsen and av3k decided to play in this cup after a long hiatus. They were able to challenge Xron and Silencep but in the end Myztro CIS players managed to win the cup.
- Upcoming tournaments for this week:
- 17:00 UTC, 30 Jul 2018: Duel Challenge Cup #47 Europe
- 18:00 UTC, 30 Jul 2018: 125 FPS Quake Live Classic Duel Cup #14
- 17:00 UTC, 02 Aug 2018: QC 2on2 TDM Cup #24 Europe
- 17:00 UTC, 02 Aug 2018: QC Community Tournament Amateur 2v2 EU #2
- 23:00 UTC, 02 Aug 2018: QC Community Tournament Amateur 2v2 NA #2
- 17:00 UTC, 03 Aug 2018: QC Community Tournament Amateur Duel EU #2
- 23:00 UTC, 03 Aug 2018: QC Community Tournament Amateur Duel NA #2
- 13:00 UTC, 05 Aug 2018: The final Day of Quake Open League EU Elite #4