Bethesda announced a hotfix for Quake Champions. The servers will go down at 20:45 UTC, 04 Aug 2017 for maintenance for deploying a new patch, which will fix a few issues that have appeared along with the deploy of previous update.

The patch will address the following:
  • Fixed an issue affecting the respawn position of a player
  • Fixed incorrect spawn points that could occur in the 4th and 5th rounds of Duel
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when exiting Duel mode
  • The zoom sensitivity/FOV reverted back to its previous state. Zoomed FOW for all weapons is set to 79 as it was before
  • BJ Blazkowicz max base armor set back to 50
  • Fixed an issue where a user might experience an FPS drop or crash if he had more than 60 items appeared in his contacts list (friends, search results, blocked users)
