Q: Why this?
A: Because people new to CTF tend to ruin the game for others on the server by not knowing on what to do/how to play the mode.

Q: Where do I find the demos?
A: They're all hosted here.

Q: There’s a ton of demos, who’s doing what position?
A: Positions are as follows:
nace = mid/att winz = mid/att PYTON = att h8m3 = 2nd def/mid NooD = def vitya = home red/att alteza = att l1nkin = att ph0enX = def Raist = def Vertex = mid/att ani = any (I guess)

Q: How do I watch the demos?
A: Put the demos in your QuakeLive demo folder, open quakelive.com and go to practice. Once you start the practice, drop down the console and write /demo <filename> and the demo should load immediately.

Q: How do I load the configs?
A: Put them in your QuakeLive home folder, start a game on QuakeLive, drop down the console and write /exec <filename>. The new config should be applied, but do
/vid_restart in the console as well to make sure the graphics changes are applied as well.