Here are some basic binds you really should have if you ever decide to play in a pickup game.
bind <key> "say_team ^1[^3 ENEMY IN/OUT LOW ^1]" bind <key> "say_team ^1[^3 ENEMY IN/OUT HIGH ^1]" bind <key> "say_team ^1[^3 ENEMY IN/OUT WATER ^1]" bind <key> "say_team ^1[^3 READY TO ATTACK ^1]" bind <key> "say_team ^1[^3 POWERUP ^1]" bind <key> "say_team ^1[^3 BASE LOST ^1]" bind <key> "droppowerup" bind <key> "dropflag"
You can also include some tokens to your binds, like #h and #a that echo your current health and armor levels to the team. You could also expand the bind list with a bind that says a certain item is up or taken, etc