Player Ranking
The minimum number of matches was increased from 10 to 50 for players to be ranked (= listed in the top players list).

Team Games
Your performance is now only compared to players on the opposing team, no longer to your team mates.
If you switch teams, you are assigned to the team where you spent more rounds (or time).
If you played an equal number of rounds on both teams, you are compared to everyone as before.

Disabled accounts
Accounts with status "disabled" (= cheaters) now receive rating updates again.
Otherwise they would stay at whatever level they had (i.e. 1500) and get rewarded with better team mates during shuffling.
Now cheaters will receive points, but other players won't lose any points to them.
Disable accounts are excluded from the top player list (ranking).

Upcoming changes
I still have to figure out the details, but there will be some sort of limiting the amount of points won/lost for players with a high RD value to prevent the infamous Glicko overshooting.
When that is implemented, the ratings need to be recalculated again.