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Welcome back to the Warsow pin-ball school. today we have three things to do on map wdm10.

First we will review pin-ball. Second we will learn gun-blade boost. Third we learn wall bounce. OK. Ready? Go.

Review: so far we have practiced +moveup and +special, and we have tried to learn how these buttons work in different situations.

We have tried to do this by never stopping, by never hitting 0 speed when exploring the map.

Both our distance from objects, and our mouse angle must be precise to explore and move in this way.

Now that we have finished our review, we might wonder: Why do we sometimes +special off a wall in one direction, and not another?

Today we will learn to control our +special off walls.

To do this we should first learn the gun-blade boost.

The gun-blade is a charged weapon, and has full power at 10 ammo. it is extremely dangerous.

Equip the gun-blade, and +special toward the wall so you collide with it.

Turn and shoot the wall behind you before you enter the teleport.

Here we see a few half-speed examples, and a few full speed examples.


Once we can gun-blade boost, notice how we pin-ball off the two walls. We can look anywhere. Our mouse angle does not matter.

This is the important lesson: our mouse angle does not matter when we +special against walls. When we +special against walls, only the approach angle is relevant.

Only the direction you approach the wall matters. The teleporter sets our approach angle perfectly to 90 degrees, or perpendicular. And so we pin-ball very easily here.


OK, now for the last part of the lesson, the wall bounce. Here we pin-ball off the wall repeatedly.

We should be able to do 20 cycles no problem, without stopping.

Be careful about your approach angle. Be careful about your distance from the wall.


After we wall bounce straight ahead, now try to look right and wall bounce. Try and repeat looking right, and then straight, as many times as you can. 10 or 20 cycles is good.

We can always mix in the straight wall bounce to reset and fine tune our approach angle.

And for the last wall bounce drill try for 20 cycles with alternating 180s.

OK. Today we have reviewed pin-ball, learned to gun-blade boost, and learned the wall bounce. That is all.